Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sodium In Your Face

A couple of weeks ago I put on a hydration presentation at a training camp for the guys of Southwest CycleSport in Austin. I never would have guessed how my presentation would have touched home with another presenter in attendance that night. It was truly amazing.

Keith Williams, president of Williams Cycling was there to talk about his new company and the wheels he's selling. He was also there in support of a new women's pro team which is tied in with Southwest Cyclesport, Team Healthcoach/TravelGirl.

After pointing out during my presentation that all sport drinks have fallen critically short on electrolyte replenishment, especially sodium (until e load(TM) came along), Keith announced to the group that lack of sodium is what started him into the wheel business. He used to race road bikes but suffered heart damage due to sodium depletion. Keith now wears a pacemaker and can never race again.

I am one who believes that everything happens for a reason. Maybe Keith's future lies in making some of the most innovative race wheels the world has ever seen! Maybe his story is one that should be told in tandem with what we have been educating people on about hydration and electrolyte replenishment. It certainly says volumes for what can happen. Take note, please. This can happen to anyone. We can prevent it with education and e load(TM). Peace!

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