Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bike World Grand Opening

Last weekend I spent Saturday at Bike World's www.bikeworld.com Grand Opening shindig. They are not only an extremely customer service web retailer, but the first Trek concept store in Texas.

There was food, music by On www.ontheband.net, The Mo-Dels www.mo-delsband.com and The Golden Hill Ramblers www.myspace.com/goldenhillramblers, and entertainment by Bob Roll www.BobRoll.com, complete with guest Tom Danielson www.TomDanielson.com from the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team.

Bob and Tom had a panel discussion as well as a book signing. I think Bob was first going to try out eLoad(TM) as a hangover recovery per BK's recipe, then on some rides. Tom was giving out some of his special blend coffee. Thanks Tom!

BTW, BK's recipe can be found at http://bitch-kittie.blogspot.com/2006/10/dr-mccooldown.html

All in all it was a swell time. I was happy to meet Bob and Tom as well as be on hand to answer questions about our products, hydration, carbohydrates and diabetes from Bike World's customers.

A big "Thanks!" goes out to Greg Combs from Bike World for having me. I also wanted to thank Steve Bazany from the San Antonio Police Department for his support (the guys from the S.A.P.D. Bicycle Patrol as well as the SWAT team really love their eLoad(TM)!) Happy hunting guys!


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