Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Okay, I know it's been WAY too long since I've posted and I do apologize for the lull. Fact (excuse) is that things are happening very fast. Big things. Things that I wish I could comment on right this second, but I won't. Bummer eh? Don't worry, you may not have to wait long, well, at least for some of the news. The other news will slowly come out, bit by bit over the next, er, 12 months or so? Now you're pissed right? How old are you? If you're over 30 you're in luck. It's a fact that the older you get, the faster time passes. If you're about to turn 38 like myself (in September, which seems to be only about 6 weeks away at my age) then time is really flying by.

Anyway, just to spice things up a bit and give my blog a new shall I say "(insert beautifully descriptive French saying here)", I've added a pic from a Memorial Day weekend triathlon that I was doing some sales and promo with. It was the Capital of Texas Triathlon and it was held in
downtown Austin. Marcin, the owner of Rocket Science Sports had the grand idea of having "Barbarella's" hose the competitors down as the passed with big electric, ehem, uh, squirt guns!
There was lots of drinking and dowsing being done. I do believe a few competitors lost some time as they passed our water stops however. Oh, well.

Monday, May 08, 2006

USA Crit Series and Team A&F

The inaugural USA Crit Series has come to an end and Mark Hekman was officially the HIGHEST ranked amateur! Team A&F was also the No. 1 ranked amateur team, with a top ten placing in the Team Competition. Congratulations Mark and Team Abercrombie & Fitch! Next stop? Joe Martin Stage Race.

Monday, May 01, 2006

2006 Regional Collegiate Champions, Midwestern State University Posted by Picasa

'06 South Central Collegiate Road Championships

On April 29th and 30th Austin saw a convergence of Universities in the South Central Collegiate Cycling Conference to battle it out for the Road Race, Team Time Trial, Individual Time Trial, Criterium and Overall Team Championships. Medion Corporation was there for Sunday's Criterium supporting the athletes from UT, Midwestern State, A&M, SFA, and Baylor among others with Eload Heat Endurance Formula ( and Emend Heat Recovery Formula ( Midwestern State took top honors as the school with the most points and overall season championship. Congratulations to Midwestern State University!